meet your guides

Hi, I’m hannah.

Sometimes I feel like I have lived a thousand lives to get to this point, and in a lot of ways I have. After years of people pleasing, I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself anymore. I was a burned out mother of neurodiverse kids, running two businesses, shrinking myself for the comfort of others, pushing every emotion down, numbing through keeping myself too busy, and white-knuckling my way through every aspect of my life. I was finding validation through doing and I wasn’t really living. I was a victim to my own life, so I said ENOUGH.

I could go on for ages about all the beautiful synchronicities that have lead me to where I am today, but what is important is that I’m HERE. I have been on the most beautiful and wild healing journey and through all of the modalities that I have implemented in my life, I feel called to share the most potent with you.

Always a student, I am continually expanding my knowledge. Reiki Master, Authenticity Coach, Energy Practitioner, Meditation Guide, Channel, Intuitive Healer, Breath Journey Guide, Frequency Attunement, Soul Journey Guide, Student of the Sacred Feminine and womb work are some of the titles I proudly wear. But first and foremost, I am a woman who has been to the depths and am here to hold the lantern as you navigate whatever you are journeying through. I am here to help you expand into your most authentic expression. I am devoted to love.

It is my greatest honor to witness you through this work!

Hi, I’m ryan.

I’ve always been a lover of people, connection, and the human experience. Like many men, I grew up in a culture that told me men don’t have emotions and that I should hide my pain so as not to be a burden to everyone around me. I lived the traditional “American Dream” for many years until I came to a breaking point. I realized that I could keep on keeping on, working for someone elses dreams, or do something to change the pattern.

My wife recommended that I try meditation as a daily practice to help get my mind right. The only problem was that I was terrible at meditation. I could never “Drop in” like people talk about, and sitting with my own thoughts for extended periods of time was uncomfortable, to say the least. That’s when my wife suggested I try a cannabis meditation and everything changed.

For the first time in my life I could calm the thoughts long enough to actually meditate! It only took a few short months to recognize how meditation and energy practices had changed my thoughts and my life. I was a calmer, cooler, more present Dad to my 3 amazing children and I was a much more attentive husband and motivated partner.

From that point on, I knew that I needed to share meditation and breathwork with the world. I dove into learning and became a certified Cannabis Meditation guide and Breath Journey facilitator. To say that these two modalites have changed my life would be an understatement, not least of all because they allowed me to leave behind the rat race of corporate America and chart my own course.

It is such a privilege to bring these practices to you and share this journey with my wife by my side. I can’t wait to work with you and co-create healing, safety, and magic together.


We are trauma informed facilitators and our priority is creating a safe and judgement free environment for healing. We also deeply understand the complexities of being on a healing journey while having to be a human, partner, parent, etc. Our approach creates experiences that are tailored to your unique journey with integration being a primary focus. Whether you are working with Hannah, Ryan, or both, you can feel confident that your well being is our priority.